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Cherrypicking dealer stock, such as the boxes of slabbed coins or 2x2's, generally requires that you have a lot of back and forth interaction with the dealer. Typically, he'll hand you one box at a time to look through, and if you're fast, you might be pestering him several times in a short period of time for more coins to check. In such a scenario, it is important to be courteous and patient, and to only pull out and set aside the coins that you are pretty sure you're going to buy. The reason is that the dealer must go to several different places to put back any unsold coins you've pulled out.
Buy gold coins.
Buy the scarcest coin in the best condition that you can afford. Many collectible gold coins sell near the melt price of gold because there are more than enough around to cover demand. When gold increases or decreases in value, these coins will follow. But the higher the grade, the lower the population and demand will push up the price rather than just following the price of gold.
Buy gold coins.
Typically, collectors will use an adequate reference book to find the note they want. Then, they look through the many price lists they might have to find a dealer who offers the same note in an acceptable condition for an acceptable price. Lots of dealers put parts of their price lists in Bank Note Reporter ads. The collector then either calls or faxes the dealer with a credit card number or send a check in the mail.
Buy European silver dollars for a great investment.
Some morgan & peace silver dollars Stories
Sun, 26 Oct 2008 11:12:18 +0000
Highlights Include Exceptional 1870-CC Double Eagle Rarity and One of the Two Highest-Graded 1802 Quarter Eagles, Along With a New Discovery 1795 Reeded Edge Cent
IRVINE, Calif. – Bowers and Merena Auctions, America’s leading rare coin and currency auction house, finishes strong for 2008 as Official Auctioneer of the Baltimore Coin and Currency Convention ...]
New Coin Dealer Review Feature!
The folks at About.com have just released a new site feature that I think will be a very useful and important one for our Coin Collecting Community here. The...
Roger Bland to speak at Field Museum
Tue, 10 Jun 2008 11:33:46 +0000
Dr. Roger Bland, head of the British Museum Department of Treasure and Portable Antiquities, will speak at Chicago’s Field Museum about the Portable Antiquities Scheme in Britain and Wales and its successes over the past ten years.
A free lecture (cost of museum admission required) will be held at Chicago’s Field Museum at 1:00 PM on ...]
Survival Rate of Proof United States Gold Coinage
Sun, 15 Jun 2008 13:12:51 +0000
By Doug Winter - RareGoldCoins.com
While it is difficult to make sweeping generalizations about the survival rate of Proof United States gold coinage, some factors exist that help to determine the rarity of many issues. It is interesting to analyze these factors and apply them to the various denominations.
For the most part, Proof gold coins have ...]
us paper money
cc morgan silver dollars
value of morgan silver dollars
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